Book your STI and HIV Test Everywhere
Better2Know’s private and confidential STI testing service is available at any location of your choice. Our Everywhere visiting nurse service will come to you. Our expert Patient Services team can arrange for a fully qualified nurse to come to you at a location of your choosing, at a time and day that would be most suitable for you.
When can the nurse come?
Our nurses can come seven days a week. Some locations need advance booking, so please contact our team as soon as possible to ensure we can get you tested.
Which tests can be done Everywhere?
All of Better2Know's blood and urine tests can be done Everywhere. Our private nurse service provides a range of screens and tests that will fit all your personal needs. Better2Know’s screens and tests are designed and regularly reviewed by medical specialists, ensuring your peace of mind when it comes to accuracy and efficiency.
Which tests should I choose?
If you are unsure which screen or test you need, our trained Sexual Health Advisors will help you. Our nationwide team of highly trained nurses can take all necessary blood and urine samples before sending them to our certified laboratory for analysis.
Suitable Everywhere Locations
Better2Know recognises that not all locations are convenient for you. With the Everywhere service, we can arrange for the nurse to come to you as long as the location you choose is safe, clean, private and includes a hand washing facility. Locations that can be considered include:
- Your home
- Your place of work (an office or meeting room)
- The house of a trusted friend or relative
- A local hotel
- Any other location where you and your private nurse will feel comfortable taking the necessary samples
Please have the address you would like your nurse to visit ready when you call us. Better2Know’s Everywhere service brings our confidential and professional service directly to a place where you are most comfortable.
Booking Your Appointment
Your private nurse will maintain high levels of discretion and will make sure your patient journey as simple, easy and convenient as possible. Once an appointment has been made, our nurse will contact you to arrange a suitable time for your appointment. If you would like to arrange for a private nurse to come to you with our Everywhere service, please call our experienced Patient Services team on the number above, or click the button below.