Better2Know has a number of HIV testing options in Canada. Which test is right for you will depends on how long ago you may have been exposed, as well as your own personal preference. The decision is always yours.
Like many STIs, HIV takes time before it can be accurately detected. This time between infection and accurate detection is known as the "window" or "incubation" period. There are three types of HIV test, which can detect the virus at different window periods. The window period is the time between potential exposure and when you get tested.
10 Day HIV RNA PCR Test
Our 10 Day HIV test is the earliest way to test for HIV in Canada. It takes a blood sample and using PCR techniques will detect the presence of the virus itself in your sample. It gives the most accurate result possible at just 10 days after any potential exposure to HIV.
28 Day HIV DUO Test
Our 28 Day HIV Test is for exposures that occurred at least28 days ago. It is a fourth generation HIV test and looks for the HIV 1 and HIV 2 antibodies as well as the p24 antigen. It needs a small blood sample for the test. The test give accurate results from 28 days.
90 Day HIV Antibody Test
This is the third generation HIV test. It is for exposures that occurred more than 3 months ago. It only looks for the HIV 1 and HIV 2 antibodies. Better2Know no longer offers the 90 day test as the 28 day test does everything the 90 day test does, and more, giving you added peace of mind.
Why use Better2Know?
- Always 100% Confidential. You do not have to give us your real name and your results are never shared without your consent.
- Fast Results. Your HIV test results will usually be available the next day.
- Locations. We have testing clinics across Canada so you will not have to travel far.
- Facilities. Our clinics are clean and modern.
- Non-Judgmental. The clinical staff is friendly and non-judgmental. We have heard it all before.
Book your HIV test
Better2Know has HIV testing clinics across Canada. You can find your nearest HIV test centre here or click one of the links below.
HIV test in Toronto
HIV test in Vancouver
HIV test in Victoria
HIV test in Windsor
You can also call us on the number above to ask any questions or book your appointment now.