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STI Clinics Ajax

Find an STI clinic in Ajax today

At Better2Know, we provide the highest quality sexual health testing services to anyone in the Ajax area. With clinics all around the city, getting tested for any STI or HIV is quick and convenient. We pride ourselves on offering a sexual health testing service that meets the highest global standards.

If you live in Ajax and require an STI test or STI screen, you can use the map below to find your nearest STI and HIV testing clinic and begin the online booking process. When your appointment is booked, confirmation will be sent to you by your choice of SMS, telephone call, or email. If you are unsure how to proceed, please call the number above and a member of our dedicated team of Sexual Health Advisors can help you choose the best test and clinic for your needs.

STI testing and STI screening in Ajax

Are you looking for a complete picture of your sexual health? Do you want to make sure you are clear of every significant STI or STD? Then you want Better2Know’s Platinum Screen.

The Platinum Screen is Better2Know’s most comprehensive screen, testing for ten different STIs all at once, including HIV, Chlamydia, Herpes I/II, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Trichomonas. Blood and urine samples are sent to our accredited laboratory, and your results will be posted to your online Patient Area once your samples have been tested.

Results for your Ajax STI tests are available when you need them

When you choose to get tested with Better2Know, we will set up a confidential account for you in our online Patient Area where you can access your test results at any time. Other helpful information on the various STIs you test positive for is also available.

If you receive a positive result on the Platinum Screen for any of these STIs, your Better2Know doctor will help you in accessing whatever treatments and support are necessary to treat your infection. With their help, you can make informed decisions about what is best for your sexual health.

Better2Know's dedicated counselling service is also available to help you in the event of a positive test result. Our skilled counsellors provide an open and secure environment for you to discuss your emotions and discover how best to manage them.

Want a nurse to visit you?

If you are too busy to go into a clinic or just cannot find a good appointment time, you may want to try Better2Know’s Everywhere service.

With the Everywhere service, you do not have to be concerned with the stress of making and keeping appointments. We send a trained and skilled nurse to any location that is most convenient for you, like your home or a hotel. Samples are then safely collected and sent to our laboratory for analysis. All your confidential test results are then made available in your secure Patient Area when testing is complete.

Book your HIV tests and STI tests in Ajax now

Better2Know’s Ajax STI testing clinics offer you a broad selection of appointment times that can fit your schedule.

If you are unsure what appointment or test is right for you, call the number above to speak to one of our trained Sexual Health Advisors. Our booking lines are open 24/7 at no extra cost. Your Advisor can provide you with the advice and guidance needed to help you make well-informed decisions about your health.

Start your booking process now by clicking the Book Now button or by calling us on the number above and one of our trained Sexual Health Advisors will be happy to help you.