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STI Clinics Niagara Falls

Find an STI clinic in Niagara Falls today

At Better2Know, we believe that everyone deserves access to the best sexual health services and STI testing. That is why we offer several conveniently-located clinics in Niagara Falls for those who may be concerned about their sexual health. We take pride in maintaining the highest global standards in testing by offering a safe, confidential, and reliable STI testing service.

Need help finding an STI clinic? Use our interactive map to identify the one closest to you. You can easily book your appointment from there - confirmation of your appointment will be sent via your choice of text, email, or phone call. If you need assistance with your booking, reach out to any of our Sexual Health Advisors at the number provided above.

Our clinics in and around Niagara Falls:

STI testing and STI screening in Niagara Falls

Are you looking for a complete picture of your sexual health but unsure which STIs to test for? Then you will want Better2Know’s Full Screen.

Our Full Screen tests for seven different STIs, which include some of the most common STIs in Canada: HIV I/II (with the p24 antigen), Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma. For an added fee, you also add tests for other STIs, including Herpes I/II or Hepatitis C.

We use blood and urine samples for this screen, so there is no need for swabs. Samples will be sent to our accredited laboratory for testing. When processing is complete, the results of your screen will be uploaded to your confidential online Patient Area, where you can access them at any time.

If you test positive, Better2Know will help you. Most STIs are curable and your Better2Know doctor can help you access the medication you need. If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis, you will need to be referred to a specialist to receive the care your condition will require.

Results for your Niagara Falls STI tests are available when you need them

By booking an STI screening with Better2Know, you are given access to our secure Patient Area. In this online hub, you can check your test results as they arrive, read up on valuable information about STIs, and print essential documents. We take the security of this virtual space seriously so that any data shared is always kept safe and secure.

Want a nurse to visit you?

If you need an STI test but cannot make it into one of our clinics, consider trying our Everywhere service.

Contact our team at the number above and let them know you want to try the Everywhere service.

When the booking is complete, our nurse will be sent at a predetermined time and to an agreed place of your choosing to collect your samples. This location can be at home, a hotel, an office building, or anywhere it is safe and suitable for a nurse to collect your samples.

After the samples are taken, they are sent to our accredited laboratory for analysis. You can track your results as they come in from your online Patient Area.

Book your HIV tests and STI tests in Niagara Falls now

At Better2Know, we understand how hectic life can be. That is why our Niagara Falls STI clinics offer many appointment times to accommodate your schedule and make obtaining the necessary care easier.

Struggling to make the right decision? Speak with our Sexual Health Advisors - they are happy to provide answers, advice, and useful information so you can confidently choose what is best for your health.

Click the Book Now button, ring us on the number above, or start a conversation on our live chat. We are standing by to help you book your appointment.