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STI Clinics Oakville

Find an STI clinic in Oakville today

At Better2Know, we are committed to delivering STI and HIV testing services to everyone who needs them in the Oakville area, while upholding the highest international standards of testing excellence. Our team values the quality of our testing and your privacy above all else. You can trust that you will receive a safe, secure, and non-judgmental STI and HIV testing service.

Use the map below to locate a private clinic near you in Oakville. Once you have decided on a clinic, pick your desired test or screen and complete the booking process. Your appointment will be confirmed via SMS, telephone, or email with all details you will need.

STI testing and STI screening in Oakville

If you think you have been exposed to an STI or to HIV, you should get tested as soon as possible. It’s always better to know.

Put your mind at ease with Better2Know’s Peace of Mind Screen. This STI screen tests for Canada’s three most common STIs: Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, and Syphilis. This screen requires a blood and urine sample, and there is no need to provide a swab.

If caught early, most STIs can be cured with the right medication. Your Better2Know doctor can help you access the treatment you will need in the event of a positive test result.

If you are struggling during this time, you can speak to Better2Know’s counsellors, who can help you process any difficult thoughts and feelings and help you come up with the best possible course of action for your situation.

Results for your Oakville STI tests are available when you need them

Book a test with Better2Know and get access to all you test results in your private Patient Area. From the Patient Area, you can read about different STIs, schedule other tests, and notify your sexual partners of your condition if you get a positive test result.

Want a nurse to visit you?

Would you prefer a more private and discreet testing service than when you visit a testing clinic?

With Better2Know's Everywhere service, you can avoid travel times to a clinic by getting tested at your office, hotel, or even in the comfort of your home.

Our trained and certified nurses will meet you at your preferred location to collect the samples for your test. Your samples, once collected, will be sent to our accredited laboratory for testing. You can view your test results in your Patient Area when they come in.

Book your HIV tests and STI test in Oakville now

Unsure if you need a test or screen? Are you having trouble finding a clinic?

Our team of Sexual Health Advisors is here to help if you need any advice or guidance. The idea of having an STI can be very scary – you do not have to deal with this situation alone.

Call the number above to speak to a member of our team, or start your online booking by clicking the Book Now button.